Are you tired trying to use your abused ferro rod?
In this video we explain how to repair and maintain an abused ferro rod and make it work like a maschine gun!

Have fun!
Your Outdoors-University Team!

#nathan4071 #TheGrayBeardedGreenBeret

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You DON'T have to buy it! Just learn how to make it!
In these video we explain step by step how to make charcloth!

Char cloth (or charcloth) – also called charpaper – is a material that is used in fire making. It is a swatch of fabric made from vegetable fiber (such as linen, cotton or jute) that has been converted via pyrolysis into a slow-burning fuel of very low ignition temperature. It can be ignited by a single spark that can in turn be used to ignite a tinder bundle to start a fire.

Depending on its source material and completeness of char, its autoignition temperature is between 349 °C (660 °F) and 455 °C (851 °F).

It is sometimes manufactured at home for use as the initial tinder when cooking or camping and historically usually provided the "tinder" component of a tinderbox. It is often made by putting cloth into an almost airtight tin with a small hole in it, and cooking it in campfire coals until the smoking slows and the cloth is properly charred. It is the equivalent of wood being made into charcoal and uses the same techniques.

Char cloth ignites with even the smallest spark and hold a very hot ember, and is therefore commonly used with a flint and steel and fire piston. (WIKIPEDIA)

Have fun out there!
Your Outdoors-University Team!

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In this video we learn step by step how to make a Tent using a 2x3m Tarp!

Have fun out there!
Your Outdoors-University Team!


SPECIAL THANKS to Lonnie and his wife Connie from 
"Far North Bushcraft And Survival" for the idea!

Let's give them some LOVE!


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In this video we test our new XHP 70 LED head lamp in the black forest!
The result is...an OTHER LEVEL of lighting! Enjoy!

Have fun out there!
Your Outdoors-University Team!

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In this video we learn to recognize, collect and dry dantelion flowers for the upcoming winter!

Have fun out there!
Your Outdoors-University Team!

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