How to make DANTELION FLOWER TEA in the woods
How to
recognize them
pick them
prepare them
and make a delicious tea in the woods!
Have fun out there!
Your Outdoors-University Team!
How to improve your camping experience by improving the setting of your tent
Camping could be a great experience for some people and the worst for others. Most of the time, lack of experience makes the situation difficult. In this video you will see some simple but very effective ideas on how to stay dry and warm, by improving the setting of your tent.
Have fun out there!Your Outdoors-University Team!
How to easily SET UP and PACK a POP-UP TENT
Setting up a pop up tent is something quite easy and fast. But what about the packaging of a pop up tent? In this video you will see step by step how you can make both of them without any issues!
Have fun out there!Your Outdoors-University Team!
How to make an ultralight and compact alcohol stove
Making step by step an alcohol stove using Red Bull cans. It is ultra-lightweight (weights only 8 gr.), compact and it is a MUST for your backpack.
Have fun out there!
Your Outdoors-University Team!
for sharing their great ammount of knowledge with all of us.
Music : Higher by Roa Music httpssoundcloud.comroa_music1031 Music promoted by httpswww.free-stock-music.com Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License httpscreativecommons.orglicensesby3.0deed.en_US
How to make a temporary shelter, using a poncho rain jacket
Step by step making a temporary shelter in a snowy forest, using a pocho rain jacket.
Have fun out there!
Your Outdoors-University Team!
Special Thanks to Eleni Mylozi for holding the camera !!!